Baruto. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (Japanese: BORUTO-ボルト- -Naruto Next Generations-, Hepburn: Boruto: Naruto Nekusuto Jenerēshonzu) is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyō Kodachi and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. Although initially resentful of his father and his absence since becoming Hokage, Boruto eventually comes to respect his father and duties, yet vows to become a shinobi like his mentor. Watch Baruto video for free
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Boruto is the first child of Naruto and Hinata. Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, has enrolled in the Ninja Academy to learn the ways of the ninja. Although initially resentful of his father and his absence since becoming Hokage, Boruto eventually comes to respect his father and duties, yet vows to become a shinobi like his mentor.
Kawaki (カワキ, Kawaki) is a child raised by Kara to be the future vessel for Isshiki Ōtsutsuki and the key to the fulfilment of their greatest wish. With the help of Tayori Kuroyagi the postal worker, along with Shikadai and Mitsuki, the team scans the village more closely. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow.
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